
Look at this magnificent mug!

Look at this magnificent mug!


Who is Greg Zappile?

Personally? I think I am a storyteller…let me explain.

When I was growing up, I was enamored with movies and TV. The ability to take an intangible dream and make it a fully realized story excited me. However, I discovered that it doesn’t matter how good an idea is if it is executed poorly. The execution that made the most impact to the story, I found, is the edit. A piece could be ruined by a thoughtless edit, but it can also be saved by a really clever one! This realization put me on a path that would start with creative writing, take a detour through mechanical engineering, ups and downs in the TV industry, learn all about IT support, and eventually lead to freelance video editing. Along the way, I picked up valuable technological expertise, priceless people skills, and a knack for problem solving.

I also grew a deep appreciation for being able to foster the ideas of other artists and help all types of people realize their dreams. Ultimately, I am a person who loves to help people. I believe that if we raise each other up, anything is possible!

As you will see on this site, I can tell stories through video editing, casual photography, and the very occasional blog post. I am also an IT Professional specializing in Apple systems and creative applications, post-production hardware infrastructure, and JAMF Pro management suite. I can be contracted for any of these services and rates are commensurate with the type and duration of the job.

Please utilize the Contact page to send me a message about any work you need help with. I look forward to hearing from you!

- Gregory Zappile