Video Editor + IT Professional
Posts in Sharing is Caring
Exes Should Remain As Such
Men, Women, and Memory
100 Jobs in 1 Year
Sharing is Caring1, 100, campaign, caring, challenge, Dave, email, facebook, jobs, musician, NYC, project, quest, sharing, street, Twitter, year, YouTube
This Is Real
The American Dream
Why We Were Screwed, Why We Are Still Screwed, and Why We May Be Screwed Again
Sharing is Caringbudget, bush, caring, cuts, deficit, GDP, republicans, revenue, sharing, surplus, tax, taxes
Singles' Awareness Day Fondue Recipe
Sharing is CaringAisha, awareness, awesome, caring, day, fondue, Foodista, recipe, sharing, single, Valentine
This is where I work
Sharing is Caringcaring, mindrelic, NYC, photography, sharing, timelapse, video, vimeo, where, work
Why I Only Make Websites For Family
Who Do You Write Like?
Sharing is Caringauthor, blog, caring, David Foster Wallace, Edgar Allen Poe, H-P- Lovecraft, I, is, James Joyce, like, poet, posts, sharing, site, write