100 Jobs in 1 Year
I have this friend. His name is Dave. He is a like minded media professional and is always searching for the next interesting thing to dive into head-first. In 2012, he started this new project, campaign, quest; I am not really sure what to call it. Regardless, it looks like a lot of fun. He will attempt to work 100 jobs in a single year! He already started off strong by becoming an NYC street musician right after the New Year. He has quite a lot of fortitude to take on a challenge like this and I wish him the best. Who knows, you may even see me in one of his jobs. Please check out the website, his videos on YouTube, subscribe on Facebook, follow on Twitter, or just send him some encouraging words via email. He will appreciate every last letter of good will. Enjoy!100 Jobs 1 Year Promo via YouTube Job #1 - Street Musician via YouTube100jobs1year.com facebook.com/100Jobs1Year twitter.com/100jobs1year youtube.com/100Jobs1Year 100jobs1year@gmail.com