Greg Zappile

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Here I Stand

Here I stand,
broken hearted.
For my niece and nephew
are clearly parted
from their certainly fun
and amazing uncle
who has decided to drink
his share in dunkel.

My weekend leaves
no room for driving
to entertain and play
with those who are sizing
my abilities for
a happy impression
despite my honest
path of depression.

How can one explain
the head and heart colliding
to two small growing people
where joy is only residing.

Even their parents
who I call sister and brother
know not of the impact
of a would-be lover.

But I shall try.

These last three moons
have seen the days
of two young people
who were in quite a haze
which enveloped the two
and brought woman to man;
lip to lip
and hand in hand.

They enjoyed each other
and certainly did try
to be what they needed
at that given time.

But something was off
and not quite defined.
It only was apparent
when the third moon cried.

A discussion was had
between this coffee and bagel.
She wanted to keep it light
and he laid his cards on the table.

The man was enthralled
and ready to take part.
But the woman was sad;
she was married to her art.

So the two departed that night, as close and meaningful friends.

This is one reason
I cannot attend
a reunion of sorts
with my brethren.

I still have some healing
to do on my own.
For I will not be consumed
by forever thoughts alone.

I shall move myself on
and foster no envy
towards the life of another,
who's art does make her frenzy.

All that I want
is for her to find
a most brilliant and loving person
who has a place in her heart and mind.

This amazing world is full
of wonders aplenty.
And strangers who would give
you just one penny
for the thoughts and dreams
which are so beautiful
in the ears and eyes
of I, who is hopeful.